The first three pictures are the 'before' and the remaining pictures are the 'after'. The coffee table is going back to the landlord as well as the pictures on the wall. I am still waiting for the 'official ok', so that we can start hanging our pictures on the wall. We signed an agreement to stay here for one to three years, so I can't understand why somebody would say no to putting up additional shelving in the kitchen and pictures on the wall? There are hooks all over the place already (not the most ideal places though) and it looks like past renters had filled up previous holes in a few places.

Not to sound whiny, but we have been here exactly one month. The stove seems to be working fine again (apparently, water had got into the gas stove and we had to ignite it from the bottom which meant removing a drawer and reaching in each time), but it took 28 days for him to finally come over and look at it. We still haven't received our inventory list (when you move in, they charge you £100 or so for a person to come in and inventory the goods that are currently in the house - it's mandatory). As I mentioned, we are still waiting to hear about hanging things and removing the old furniture. * sigh *
We have unpacked all of our goods. The craft room and the bedroom still needs a bit more organizing, but the reception is looking good. I must have been tired at this point, because I forgot to take before pictures of the back corner.
I'm looking for something like
this desk to fit in the back corner. In the meantime, that chair signifies where my workspace will be. I'm also hoping to do
this to the sofa and grab some pillows from
the pauhaus in May. Yes, Cleo loves warming herself by the radiator. They have these cat beds that hook over the radiator, may need to get one for her upcoming birthday in May!
The stand for the catalogue is temporary. Hopefully, we can raise it higher and find some cool armchairs to go on either side. The coffee table is being returned to the landlord, so thinking of something a bit less chunky and maybe replacing the mirror with a
starburst one?
We found the tv in the attic. It picks up 5 channels, so it will do for now, but we found a new 32" one for a good price. Unfortunately, they are currently out of stock. Shelves are looking a bit empty as well, but I'm sure we'll find lots as soon as we start hitting the car boot sales. I also have a series of thrifted books I found for my
Indie I Do display that would look great up there.
If we had extra money and think that we are staying for awhile, I would like to replace the curtains. Curtains don't come cheap though, so we will see. I will redo the bench seat. My plans are to pick up some foam and sew up a cover using this
Ok! Downstairs bathroom next!