We always drive past these signs for Mount St. Helens on the I-5, so this trip we decided to actually go and see it. My uncle took me on this trip years ago, but this was Rob's first time and I figured that it would be something that he would enjoy.

Mommy duck with her babies just below Mount St. Helens. This is the marsh that was created after the blast.
The post title pretty much says it all... random pictures from two weeks ago... mostly of food :)

After bumping into Torie somewhere along Hawthorne in Portland, we finally tried Por Que No?. Everybody seemed to be raving about it and we had meant to go during our last few trips, but with constant line ups out the door we were a little scared off. Although, I'm not sure what our hurry was as we were pretty much on vacation! Anyways, finally tried it and it was two thumbs up! I believe this is a picture of their veggie bean bowl with corn tortillas.

Here's Rob enjoying the same, but with pulled pork.

Rob's cousin graduated this year which meant that the extended family flew in for the ceremony. Supposedly, this also meant a trip to the Ukrainian Village Restaurant on Robson and Denman (he's not Ukrainian). For me, it is one of those places that you have been walking past for ages, but we finally got to try it and it was pretty good! Rob and I shared the Ukrainian Dinner with sausage, perogies, cabbage rolls, beet salad, pickle... and the Schnitzel dinner below with mashed potatoes. This was more than enough for the both of us.

To top it all off... I worked on a program last week which allowed us to enjoy the BEST tiramisu I have ever had from Cin Cin's. The pictures do not do it justice as the restaurant was dark and this was through my camera phone.
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