(right view from Putney Bridge station)
I can't believe it has been 5 years since I last visited! It feels really good to be back. I'm actually quite amazed at how nice it is. It also helps that the sun is shining and it is super warm over here!

(left view from Putney Bridge station)
My first trip was in elementary school when my uncle rented a flat over at Hammersmith and I traveled over with my aunt and grandma. It was love at first sight. I returned shortly on a trip across Europe with family and for my high school graduation, my uncle actually gave me a ticket to meet him in London. It was my first trip traveling alone (he met me in Heathrow). I was 16 and my mom didn't want me to go, of course, that made me want to go even more! In 2001, Rob and I quit our jobs and tried moving here. We didn't last very long. 4 months later, me with strep throat, which then passed to him, huge bank account issues and a case of home sickness, made us pack it in and head home. In 2004, we spent 3 weeks in London during our honeymoon and another 2 weeks in Eastern Europe. We didn't have a "regular" wedding. We signed papers a week prior, had a small party and then spent our budget on 5 weeks in Europe!

The people that we rented the flat from, left us a welcome package. So nice!
Usually, I suck with jet lag. Last trip to Europe, it took me a week to recover. Let me tell you, there were many 5am mornings spent staring at the BBC tower's lights change colour and then falling asleep at 4pm. Today, I did pretty well. We landed around noon, boarded the tube and headed over to our rented flat in Putney Bridge. First of all, I love the tube. Best transit system ever. It's wierd, but I would not consider using anything else but public transit over here. Putney sits between Parsons Green and Wimbledon and it is completely off the tourist path. When we first attempted to move here, we stayed in Willesden Green (I know! I know!), but discovered this area when somebody in the event industry asked to meet at the Whitehorse pub in this area. It's outside downtown, so it's less hustle and bustle, has beautiful green spaces, close to the tube station and has all of the amenities.

Lunch! One thing we have learned here, is that if you go to the supermarket after 12noon, it is ravaged. Last time I was here, the egg salad sandwiches were 99p over at M&S.
If you have any suggestions on where to go or where to eat, please pass them on to info(at)lotusevents(dot)ca. Will post pictures of the flat soon including the private garden at the back. There is also a sewing shop just down the street that I want to pop into. Not sure what is on the schedule for tomorrow, but please check back soon.
haven't been in London (well, changing planes at Heathrow this summer doesn't count IMO) so give it my best wishes.
ReplyDeletehave you been up to Camden High Street? Get off at Mornington Crescent and walk north for its full flavour. There was a great little coffee shop, Bean and Cup, towards Camden Town tube plus a pret a manger (also vg for sandwiches) closely followed by Camden Lock market
i can't believe that big honking American? truck in the top photo...