I am born in Vancouver and have lived there all my life. My Grandma is from Shanghai and my mom was born in Hong Kong, but the whole family came to Vancouver when she was still young (before high school). We all speak English and are completely westernized, but every now and then, I just want to be with Asians and have rice and noodle. :D

It's easier to walk from the Piccadilly tube station to Leicester Square and Covent Garden then it is to take the tube. Although, you may want to rethink it if it's pouring rain out. Chinatown is just around the block from Leicester Square and then if you walk further, you will enter SOHO.

(Rob looking at tasty Asian treats)
Leicester Square is surrounded by cinemas and is also the place where all of the London premieres take place. Over the years, we have seen Ali G, Jude Law and Britney Spears. No, we don't camp out there like some do, we just happen to have good timing! If you follow me on Twitter (lotusevents) or Facebook, I wrote a post about missing George Clooney, here for the premiere of Fantastic Mr. Fox.

During our brief walk through, they were setting up the barriers for the London Film Festival.

One more thing! Leicester Square is also the place to get half price theatre tickets!

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